New Android vs IOS 8 Operating System

What Are The Real Differences?

At the end of 2014, there were some major changes made to the Android system – the Android 5.0 Lollipop was launched, close to the same time iOS 8 was released. iOS 8 allows for plenty of multitasking and offers the convenience of the whole screen sliding down with a double tap of the home button – this is helpful considering the larger screen size that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have. There are some similarities and differences between the Android 5.0 L and iOS 8 operating systems, which are discussed here.

Popular Apps and Notifications

Say you use the Facebook app. Now, with the iOS 8 updates, you will not have to actually open up the app in order to do things such as “like” statuses. So, you can be using a different app and basically respond to the notification that pops up on your phone. Android notifications will appear prioritized and you can double tap them to open them or just dismiss them by swiping them away. This is a similar feature between the two systems.

Battery Life

In terms of battery, the life of smartphones/tablets using the Android 5.0 Lollipop system should be slightly longer because of the battery saving mode. A big complaint about Apple iPhones is that they don’t always have the best battery life. Maybe this is something that will change in the near future.

Security Features

The Apple iOS 8 system allows users to have access to their device with their fingertips. You can add another person’s finger print to your device should you wish to have someone else be able to access it. The new Android system will allow users to unlock their device without entering a passcode but only if they are close enough to another device – Android could play a bit of catch up in this area.

Both systems offer top-notch features that are quite exciting! Browse the Internet or talk to your provider for more information.

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