iPad Get Wet? Your Guide on What to Do Next

Oh no! The dreaded sound of “splash.” Your iPad just dropped into the toilet, tub, or pool. What the heck are you going to do now?

If your iPad has been dropped into water, you do not need to panic. While water and electronics do not mix, just because your device got wet does not mean that it is a goner and you need a new one.

In fact, water damage repair in New York provided by iPad experts can save your device in most cases and restore it.

If you are unsure of what to do once your iPad is dropped in water, continue reading on to learn what steps you should take next.

Steps to Take If Your iPad Gets Wet

Fortunately, the iPad is water-resistant, so you can take a deep breath. But even though it is resistant, you still need to act quickly to ensure your device is not lost to the water.

Here is what you should do next:

Remove the Device from the Water

Seems kind of obvious right? You want to make sure you remove your iPad from the water immediately to prevent any further damage to it.

Start to Dry Your iPad

Once you have removed your iPad from the water, you will want to dry it off with a clean, soft, dry towel. Always look for water in the buttons and charging port too.

If your device was completely submerged in water, you should remove the SIM card from it and dry it off as well.

You can shake or blow off the iPad with your mouth to help remove excess water that may be trapped.

If you have a case on the iPad, do remove it to help dry out the device.

Keep the iPad Turned Off

It can be very tempting to turn your iPad on to check to see if it still works, but do NOT do this. Turning your iPad on can cause serious damage to the logic board such as a short.

If your iPad is still on after being dropped in water, turn it off quickly. Do not try to mess around on the device to see if it will function – simply turn it off.

Let it Dry and Then Test

Now it is a wait and see game. You should allow your iPad to dry out in an upright position for at least 24 hours. You should never use any type of high heat on it to help it dry either, as this can damage it further.

Once the waiting time has elapsed and the iPad appears to be dry, you can test it out along with all of the buttons and ports to make sure they operate correctly.

Bring Your Device to Us for the Best iPad Water Damage Repairs in NY

If your iPad got wet or submerged in water, you want to act quickly. Drying off the device is such a crucial step and one you do not want to skip. Should you have a water-damaged iPad, and you cannot get it to turn on or work properly, do not hesitate to bring it into New York iPad Repair today. Our experts will look over the device and provide you with the proper repairs to restore its function. No job is too difficult for us and, in most cases, we can reverse the water damage done to your device.

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